An electrocardiogram, commonly known as an EKG or ECG, may be recommended by your doctor to look for signs of cardiac problems. It's a test that uses small electrode patches applied to the skin of your chest, arms, and legs to record the electrical activity of your ticker.
EKGs are quick, painless, and safe. Your doctor will be able to perform the following with the results of this test:
Examine your heartbeat.
See if you have poor blood flow to your heart muscle (this is called ischemia)
Diagnose a heart attack
Check on things that are abnormal, such as thickened heart muscle
Detect if there are significant electrolyte abnormalities, such as high potassium or high or low calcium.
These are reasons EKG jobs continue to grow during a pandemic.
Heart Disease is Not Slowing Down
According to a paper published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology that looked at the total magnitude of CVD burden and trends over 30 years around the world, the number of people dying from cardiovascular disease (CVD) is steadily rising, accounting for one-third of all deaths globally in 2019.
This number isn't slowing down.
The findings highlight the critical need for governments to develop cost-effective public health programs aimed at lowering cardiovascular risk by changing modifiable habits.
CVD, especially ischemic heart disease and stroke, is the world's leading cause of mortality and a major contributor to disability and rising healthcare expenses. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2019, on which this study is based, is a worldwide partnership that estimates global, regional, and national burdens of diseases, injuries, and risk factors.
One person dies every 36 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease. It's the cause of 1 out of every 4 deaths. With an increasing awareness of heart disease, more people are taking precautions.
The best way to stop heart disease is to prevent it with frequent testing. This is why EKG technicians are in demand.
The Pandemic Saw the Need of Healthcare Professions
During the pandemic, people across the country recognized the heroic efforts of health care workers. While some continued to work courageously during the pandemic, others wondered what future they had and were worried about their jobs being not essential.
Millions of homebound Americans throughout the country are taking time out of their days to honor the brave efforts of healthcare personnel.
The pandemic provides a dramatic preview of the challenges and benefits of future healthcare employment for present and prospective healthcare students.
Hospitals around the country are failing to offer proper care for coronavirus patients due to a lack of manpower and resources. Simultaneously, the crisis has highlighted the importance of healthcare employees to the wider economy.
Once the virus has been suppressed, there will still be a high demand for healthcare personnel. The demand for healthcare employees is expected to rise in the future.
Recession-Free Industry
Even during recessions, the healthcare business continues to thrive as a result of increased demand and the ongoing advancement of research and medicine.
Certain healthcare services will always be in demand, with some, in particular, increasing in demand during difficult times.
Consider the following three recession-proof healthcare services.
Working with Seniors: Regardless of the economic circumstances, aging populations demand care. This is particularly true today, as the 'baby boomer generation approaches retirement. There are a lot of older people today who own property, are financially comfortable, and can easily afford the care they need during their golden years.
EKG technicians work with seniors to consistently monitor vitals. Seniors are encouraged to have annual checkups to ensure that they're in good health.
Growing and Aging Population
Elder and long-term care are quickly becoming one of today's most difficult healthcare concerns. The number of individuals aged 60 and up in the world is predicted to increase by 56% between 2015 and 2030, from just over 900 million to almost 1.5 billion.
The worldwide population of adults aged 60 and more is predicted to reach two billion by 2050. The number of Americans over the age of 65 is predicted to double in the United States, from over 50 million today to approximately 100 million by 2060.
While the United States is currently recognized as one of the best countries in the world for the elderly, there are major differences in healthcare availability and quality across the country.
People become ill with increasing frequency as they grow older. Chronic illnesses are putting a greater strain on healthcare systems.
Governments must acknowledge the effects of demographic transition not only on public services but also on each country's social atmosphere. Countries will have to rethink everything about their communities, from healthcare systems and delivery methods to the construction of entire towns.
At the home level, an aging population might impose an unsustainable burden. The financial burden of caring for an elderly loved one is added to the physical and emotional strain.
Technician Specialists in Demand
It's in demand. EKG Technician jobs are not going anywhere.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, job opportunities for cardiovascular technologists and technicians across specialties are predicted to expand 22% by 2024, with a median salary of $54,880 in 2015.
This is a faster rate of expansion than the national average for all occupations.
The following are some of the elements that are fueling this expansion:
Baby boomers are getting older.
Imaging technology that is rapidly improving and replacing more expensive and intrusive processes
Dropping technology prices make it more affordable to medical providers outside of hospitals (thus EKG technicians are needed at doctors' offices and diagnostic facilities as well).
Final thoughts
You can count on EKG Technicians being around. In our environment, technicians will always be needed, especially those who work in the medical industry.
With enhanced technology, there are more options to uncover heart problems than ever before, which means more career opportunities.
Those interested in this field can expect a 19 percent increase in employment over the next ten years.
It shouldn't be difficult to find work, especially as the baby boomer population ages and requires more medical treatment.